Says gates tans female to male with his £800 million pound gas guzzling yacht, or his many mansions, cars,planes, lavish dinners, parties, even forrest hunting parties. They use cern in Switzerland to control the weather. To tax us more, control more, bla, bla. Look at the fires in hawai all caused by controlled technology that’s why cars melted, even body’s in cars melted, they caused it to steal the land. Now Oprah had bought loads of land cheap in hawai, Mrs child trafficker, just tried to run from the white hats will £100 million they caught her.
The videos won’t play.
Yes it tries to play but the host is slow not sure why
Says gates tans female to male with his £800 million pound gas guzzling yacht, or his many mansions, cars,planes, lavish dinners, parties, even forrest hunting parties. They use cern in Switzerland to control the weather. To tax us more, control more, bla, bla. Look at the fires in hawai all caused by controlled technology that’s why cars melted, even body’s in cars melted, they caused it to steal the land. Now Oprah had bought loads of land cheap in hawai, Mrs child trafficker, just tried to run from the white hats will £100 million they caught her.
some crazy stuff yes