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Flat Earth?

Admin Admin

When a person Believes in the Flat earth Theory what does that Take away from other Conspiracy theories and hidden truths

1. Space does not exist anymore so no more Aliens, no more planets, all conspiracies about Mars, and Saturn. No more Secret space force no more Ufo's or abductions.

2. No more Gravity so no more theories on Ufo Technology and there craft, no more theories on how gravity is connected to free energy and also how gravity is really from another dimension.

3.No More theories on what the moon is and how it is said its an actual spacestation and thats its a soul trap for reincarnation

4. No more theories on Area 51 or other secret facilities supposedly holding alien and interdimensional craft

5.No more Hollow earth theory and underground stuff

6. No more spy satellites oh wait Spy Balloons Which is like 100 year old technology.

As i look at this list I'm wondering how this would benefit a governments run by an alien interdimensional race which used to control more people with religion in the past and more people strayed away from that now, So how would you bring them back a smaller world thought that only includes us as the only race on a small flat world under a firmament and keep them from discovering Free energy, other dimensions, Aliens, and people once lived on mars and never to find out the moon keeps us cycled in this prison.

Topic starter Posted : 08/08/2024 10:53 am
New Member Guest

Aliens are devils whose purpose is to deceive people and to keep them from the truth of God and salvation in Jesus Christ, as revealed in the Holy Bible (King James Authorized in the English language).  Extraterrestrial is land beyond the antartic ice wall.  Why do the world's leaders secretly meet in Antartica, and why are unauthorized people not allowed to travel and to explore independently in Antarctica? All the tour companies are under one umbrella company.  


Free energy has been used in the past and still is on a small scale. Gravity theory is proven false even by the most basic logic: not strong enough to suck down birds, yet strong enough to keep bodies of water from floating out into space.  Density determines how objects fall or sink.

Weather systems, the water cycle, and echoing of thunder and aircraft sounds can all be replicated small scale with a structure such as a silo.


See the Flat Earth Sun, Moon and Zodiac app or for more questions and answers.


Posted : 13/08/2024 10:11 am
Admin Admin

Thing is the God Bible is a lie so does not hold Water

Topic starter Posted : 13/08/2024 10:06 pm

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