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Flat Earth Why
The Flat earth and the people who believe it I believe have been scammed into this conspiracy theory for a few reasons.
First to test a psyop on the population
Second to lead people away from the Power of Gravity on how its connected to unlimited energy and how its coming from another Dimension.
Third to discredit all other real conspiracy theory's and truth about Space, our planets and the Moon on how its an actual artificial satellite trapping souls as people die only to not let them get out of the prison planet here.
Fourthly to make all other conspiracy truths look nuts to the people who don't believe in flat earth so they will not even consider them at all which i am seeing more and more each day.
I don't think Most flat earthers are crazy as they are willing to believe in the impossible and to seek truth and what better way to hide the truth is to give the people looking for it something that is hard to get tangible proof unless you go into space to see for themselves.
I know from my research over the years how the invisible rulers work mixing truth with lies to steer people away when getting close to real truths and flat earth has definite backing by them to promote this. The rabbit hole is very hard to navigate and alot of good people get lost going down wrong paths and led to fake truths.Â
I am hoping these tests im doing with the timelapses showing the suns gravity pulling on objects here will lead people back to the real hidden things.
I know Nasa Lies but not for the flat earth reason, its to hide the wonders of space and whats really out there and technology that would change the entire world and to Hide the Invisible Rulers.
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