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Gravity Test

Admin Admin

So I had an old Video timelapse I did about 9 years ago of a building being built and noticed some weird swaying in the camera from day to day. I didn't really do anything with till now as I think its proving Gravity. Somehow I think its showing the pull of the sins gravity on the Earth so very slightly it can only be noticed over a 12 hour period. I get the question why has no one else seen this before, many timelapses have been done by thousands of people. Well when you do a timelapse its usually done by securing the camera like on a tripod or firmly attached to something so it does not move by wind or weather or whatever. When we did this timelapse it wasn't secure as it was hung to a square pole on top of another building and straps were used but they were not very secure so it was basically loose enough to move slightly. By doing this I think we were able to capture this slight pull from the sun by accident.

So i thought to myself I need to recreate this to see if this is what is really happening so I am doing daily and now nightly timelapses the same way to see if what i think is happening is really happening. I am hoping to have these tests done by the end of this week.

Below is the original video from nine years ago edited with a red line see show how its moving slightly and my first test i did a few days ago.



Topic starter Posted : 28/05/2024 1:37 pm
Admin Admin

So i went over the footage of the north facing camera and it does seem to be pulling the camera but had some interference with the weather so i am going to try to have better controlled environment for the next few timelapses.

Topic starter Posted : 29/05/2024 8:08 am
Admin Admin

Ok so here in the next test and its results

I am going to be doing more tests on different ways to show its the suns gravity and hopefully they get good results.


Topic starter Posted : 31/05/2024 10:02 am
Admin Admin

So i have been doing more experiments with the timelapses for the gravity thing and im getting some good results. hopefully will have the videos ready in a day or 2

Topic starter Posted : 05/06/2024 3:52 pm
Admin Admin

Ok So Far The Pattern I'm Seeing with the Cameras and timelapse test the cameras are always turning clockwise but they really move more in the afternoon So this may be connected to the Coriolis Effect

Topic starter Posted : 06/06/2024 8:13 pm
Admin Admin

Alright now i am hoping to get more people to try this experiment

Topic starter Posted : 10/06/2024 10:29 am
Admin Admin

Ok so in the Coriolis Effect hurricanes spin counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and from my experiment my cameras are turning clockwise so I am not sure what's happening here. If its turning because of the Rotation of the Earth wouldn't it be the same effect? Plus when the camera jerked back from its spin in the afternoon I was thinking it was the Sun but I didn't realize the Moon was in the sky with the sun around the same time. So was it the Moon or the Sun that jerks the camera. Now this is not a sudden jerk its over a 2 hour period but in the sped up timelapse it look like a hard effect. to see if this is related to the Coriolis effect I would need someone to try this experiment in the southern hemisphere to see if the cameras would turn counterclockwise. 

I am going to have to try these experiments again when the moon is not in the sky with the sun to see what happens as well.

To do this experiment you would need a cheap camera like this one Camera which i got cheap from amazon plus a mini sd card at 64gb size. Or if you have  a trail camera like what i used. You would also need some video editing knowledge and app to bring the files in computer to create your timelapse. Any more info i could help with how i exactly did this and how to setup. 

This post was modified 4 months ago 2 times by frankfiles
Topic starter Posted : 11/06/2024 10:09 am

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